x THE WMN: Tina Araneta
Saturday, August 15, 2020It was in the year of 2015, when Tina was featured on the blog. An amazing triathlete from the Phillipines. Before you read the feature below, you definitely need to read the initial post Here.
Then proceed to read her thoughts in the feature below. Who knows Tina might just convince you to train for your first triathlon.
Hi! I’m Tina Araneta from Manila, Philippines. During races, you would find me in the 35-39 age group.
I’m currently the Creative Director of digital advertising agency. I’m a proud furmom to Labradors, an introverted social media geek, an avid book reader, a writer, and a triathlete.
It was my brother who got me started on running. He was already joining 3-5K fun runs back in 2012 or 2013 and asked if I wanted to start training with him. I decided to bite the bullet and try my first 3K race and haven’t looked back since.From then on, I’d gotten into cycling and swimming, which is why I eventually transitioned into triathlon races, cycling races, pool, and open water swim races.
Aside from road racing, I’ve done trail run races as well as obstacle course races, and I’ve enjoyed them a lot.
Running is actually my weakest discipline out of the three in triathlon, so I try to work on it very intentionally. I’ve done half marathons, but not a full marathon just yet, maybe when I have much more time to devote to training for it.
My favorite kind of races are usually the ones which many of my triathlon teammates are signed up for. It’s always awesome to see your team singlet, cycling kit, or trisuit when you’re racing and to hear cheers of encouragement and support coming from them. Of course, it’s even more of a bonus when my family witnesses me crossing the finish line, and if I’m really fortunate (which I have been, thankfully, quite a few times), when they get to see me up on the podium.
My worst races for some reason happen when I’m already tired before the race even begins; when I know I haven’t gotten enough sleep or when I’m not hydrating properly, which usually leads to bonking or side stitches.
It’s been a challenge, truly. Traffic in our city is a big concern, which is why most people need to leave the house early to make it to work on time, and you usually end up getting home late, too, because of it. So on average, getting to work out 30 minutes a day was already a big deal for me.
But since the pandemic hit and we’ve been on lockdown, I’ve been able to work out more efficiently. I have a schedule going wherein I have two strength workouts (one of which is a dry land version of swimming workouts), two run workouts (usually on the treadmill), and two cycling workouts (on my bike trainer) a week.
Also because of the lockdown, I’ve been able to attend to other things I’m passionate about, like cooking and baking, reading more books, spending time with my different social circles via video calls, and attending different webinars and online Bible Studies.
I hope to keep this workout schedule when I eventually return to working in an office. Thankfully, the company I transferred to is much nearer my house (just 10 minutes away!) so I’m hopeful I can maintain this level of fitness and discipline.
Honestly, where do I even begin? There are just so many in my country alone, what more around the world?
While I think we’ve made progress through the years and decades, there are still so many things about women that people don’t understand and respect. I feel we still have a long way to go in terms of women empowerment and being able to advocate for ourselves (ex. victim blaming is still rampant, especially in less progressive societies).
But I am hopeful that we will see these changes take place as we see more women taking seats of authority. Look at how the likes of New Zealand, Iceland, Finland, Germany, Norway, Denmark and Taiwan have handled the COVID crisis in their respective countries. What’s common among all of them? Each of these countries was led by a woman.
Personally, I’m looking forward to seeing even more women rise up, as leaders of advocacies, of corporations, of countries; as advocates of their mental health, their own bodies, their families, their relationship with food, their faith, their thoughts and decisions.
I love seeing strong women across different sports. I find that we love to empower and encourage one another, and I truly feel this on a personal level — like with my friends from different triathlon teams and sports — as well as on social media. I’ve “met” many amazing women on Instagram, particularly, from whom I draw inspiration.
I’ve also enjoyed seeing women shifting toward bigger roles, like coaching. For example, I was thrilled to see Shalane Flanagan taking on a new role as coach of the Bowerman Track Club after retiring from running. A bunch of my friends have also gotten certified for coaching and have been offering their services online, especially since the pandemic hit. I love being able to support them, too, by promoting their classes and joining whenever I can.
ON COVID – 19...
In the beginning, when our lockdown was first implemented mid-March, I struggled. I had a hard time sleeping and my anxiety was all over the place the more I engaged with social media. So I had to learn how to take a step back and filter what I consumed in terms of news and social media.
I had the opportunity to help my brother and sister-in-law in a fundraising effort for PPEs and medical supplies for people on the frontline, which helped give me a sense of purpose. I also learned to channel my anxiety towards productive things like learning new recipes, my workouts, and spending time with loved ones even via video calls.
Since then, I’ve been able to adjust and kind of accept where we are right now. It isn’t always easy, I still go through bouts of despair and even anger towards our current situation. I also worry about those I know who’ve personally contracted the disease, and worry about whether my family or I could eventually get it.
I’ve been able to learn to manage my thoughts and feelings better. It helps to know we’re not alone in feeling a sense of isolation and loss over the normal we once knew. And It also helps when I fill myself with things that uplift; for me, that would be Bible verses, words of encouragement from those close to me, and even simple joys like the food that I get to cook or bake!
One can only imagine what life post-COVID will be like. I imagine that we’ll still be somewhat cautious about coming into close contact with people and that we’ll maintain good hygiene practices. I also hope we’ll be less materialistic after making do and being content with the basics.
Personally, I look forward to simple things like getting to see the other members of my family more often, and to meeting up with friends whom I haven’t seen in months (aside from square tiles on a screen, that is). I also look forward to training outdoors without a mask, because masks are required over here, even for physical activities.
I definitely look forward to being able to race again.
Hi, ladies! Thanks for the taking the time to get to know more about me, one continent and half the world away! I hope that you have a fulfilling, meaningful, and maybe even life-changing Women’s Month.
Other stimulating posts for women's month feature the below women
- Ashley Dier , a runner from Toronto, Canada who is a boxer now
- Ncumisa Pongoma , a vegan runner and fitness influencer from Johannesburg, South Africa
- Alechia Van Wyk , an ASICS front runner from the UK, in love with Cyclo-cross and old school triathlon
- Mamello Letsie , occasional runner turned cyclist from South Africa, passionate about women's rights