x THE WMN : Sophia E*

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Every year I get so excited to do this project, because it gives me the opportunity to search through instagram. To look for interesting women to feature. This year is different though, We could say the theme this year is "Another life". 

When I came across Sophia's profile, I was so intrigued. So much participation in activities that are not usually diverse. Activities where we don't usually see black bodies. 

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Self Reflection Time 💭 Have you been too hard on yourself lately? Are you feeling the stress and pressures of work,school, COVID-19? If so, Have you created me time lately? Have you done anything to find your center and make you smile again? This can take form in various ways including but not limited to : taking a nap, running a bath, listening to your favorite podcast, finally working on that creative project that you have been postponing, going for a hike, trying something new etc Please do not neglect yourself !! Remember, if you don’t take care of yourself you will not have enough energy to effectively care for others Fill your cup first ✨ And be kind to yourself 🌸

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Representation Matters.  

We connected with Sophia over IG Live to discuss her medical school journey, being a university student during covid-19 & her experiences in sports where there is a lack of diversity and representation. 

Other stimulating posts for women's month feature the below women

Ashley Dier , a runner from Toronto, Canada who is a boxer now
Ncumisa Pongoma , a vegan runner and fitness influencer from Johannesburg, South Africa 
Alechia Van Wyk , an ASICS front runner from the UK, in love with Cyclo-cross and old school triathlon
Mamello Letsie , occasional runner turned cyclist from South Africa, passionate about women's rights


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