Leigh Gerson

Sunday, December 21, 2014

One of the most phoenomenal runners that I have come across, she decided she could win a race and she did. She kicked off "THE WOMEN" series which ran throughout August to celebrate and empower women, through interviewing female runners. You can read about her second consecutive win of the Orchard Street Runners Midnight Half and read her "THE WOMEN" interview here.

1. Who you are, how old you are and what you do?
My name is Leigh Gerson. I'm 30 years old. I'm a runner, an outside the box thinker, a gulper of life, and doer of sometimes extraordinary things

2. Location and crew?
Based out of NYC, I run with everybody who wants to run with me #crewlove

3. What you have gained from running?
Running has given me more than I can put down in a sentence or two, but I'll just say that the people I have met through running have encouraged me to reach above and beyond what I ever thought I could achieve. They know who they are. The international race experiences have been pretty spectacular as well

4. What you hope to achieve in future?
I would like to give back more. I want to keep inspiring and go on epic adventures. I want to keep running and improving both physically and mentally. I don't see any limits for what the future holds

5. What makes you an indie runner?
What makes me an indierunner? My point of view. It's mine and mine alone. I see every day as a different, every run as a learning experience and life as something that shouldn't be taken for granted. Work hard then work harder. Never settle.

- Follow her on instagram: @gersonperson


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