Brett Palframan

Monday, March 21, 2016

On who you are…

I’m a adventure, endurance and fitness enthusiast who chooses to live life to the maximum of my capabilities. I hate wasting a second being bored and unispired. I live to break boundaries and push myself beyond the limits. If I havent done something before, I will add it to my ‘to do’ list. Nature and the outdoors is what drives me and I will not stop until Ive reached my own nirvana, that of everything I do, of everyday, is nothing but pure happiness.
On running…

Running is relatively new to my regimen. Ive always trained and been active, but besides doing cross country in primary school, running was always one of those things I tried to avoid, since I never really excelled at it. Then about 3yrs ago, I decided to do a charity race, from which the bug bit and everything changed. I know push myself everyday to run further and faster and fortunately enough most races I’m in, I take top 10 positions, if not top 5.

‘Find the weakness in your chain, then repair it. Cause only then, will you have the true strength to hold others up.’
On Street culture…

Am I not too old to give my opinion? LOL
On Running culture…

It becomes an obsession. There is honestly no better feeling than getting up fresh and early on the wend, arriving at a race, to find thousands of others, just like yourself, that are as inspired. The buzz, the atmosphere, the wardrobe. It really does grow on you. 

‘Its an addiction, but that of the good kind.’
On gadgets…

I cant run without them! I’m blessed to be sponsored by MioGlobal and pretty much cannot run a race without my trusty heart rate, etc monitor on my wrist. Its not only helped me improve my time, but steady my heart rate whilst running and improve my per km pace.
On injury…

Not much to say on this one, ask my girlfriend, I’m pretty tough when it comes to this subject. Push through and deal with it after. Nothing worse than giving up and not finishing a race. Yet, fortunately I’ve never really had a too serious injury, so I’ve pushed through some broken toes, popped knee caps and some split elbows. 
On achievements…

When I took on the challenge to break the stereotype, I set out a few goals that at that time seemed impossible and in an even shorter space of time, than expected, I achieved exactly what I wanted to achieve and better. In a 2yr period, I’ve run over 150 races. Numerous Warrior races (Black Ops, top 10 twice) Ironman 5150, 94.7 Cycle Challenge and MTB, Duathlons, Triathlons, MTB races, trail races, etc etc but as mentioned before, I look at taking on some ‘large tracks’ within the next 2yrs. Besides the accolades, I’m proud to be backed by such awesome, huge brands such as Biogen, AquaVita, MioGlobal and other sponsors such as HelloHair Fourways, BuzzRack, DGM Diversion, Vibram FiveFingers and Elevation Training Masks. 
On future goals…

This year I’ve put adjusted my focus onto 70% business 30% fitness, so you'll be seeing a lot less of me on the ‘big’ tracks, but that doesn’t mean I will be putting up my feet at all, I will continue my training, I will get on stage at least once this year and pretty much at least run one race per week. But I will put the big tracks on hold until next year. But, with that being said, I would like to still achieve a FULL Ironman, a FULL marathon and my ultimate the Cape Epic :) not a bad ‘to do’ list for a bodybuilder, right? 
On your social media…

I hope to inspire others to live a balanced life. I’m a strong believer in #lust4life which I make sure I live by everyday. Life is too sort to consider a ‘no’ or ‘maybe’ answer, the question is ‘life?’ and the answer is ‘yes!’ I use my channels not only to promote my sponsors, etc but to hopefully inspire others, both positively and realistically. I am just a normal guy wanting to do extraordinary things. I have fun and I do pig out every now and then. Hence the key word is ‘balance’!
On Pink…

I have one or two neon items, which I may run with on occasion…but don’t tell anyone!
On Pain…

Pain is temporary, like weakness, it can be overcome by hardening the f**k up. 
When I die…

I hope to not only leave behind a legacy, a loving family, a very large collection of medals, a toy of toys (bikes, boards, etc)but leave behind memories for others to cherish. Like pages of a colouring book, your life would be the outlines, that you'd give someone else to colour-in.


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