Kamohelo Mokoena

Monday, May 18, 2015

Never has P I N K been taken to another level like this though. Our #MCM on a not so BLOODY MONDAY!!!!

On who you are…

My name is Kamohelo Mokoena. A Soweto born and bred runner. 

On running… 

Running is happiness.

Running is my lifestyle. It keeps me out of my comfort zone. It has helped me discover my inner self. Who I am. The potential I possess within, my abilities, and to explore the wonders and limits a human body can reach. Running has become something like a shrink to me, when nothing makes sense, I just run. It is also a great teacher, for, I have learnt to run my own race always and that even hard times pass. I have learnt to never stop improving. To believe in myself. To never give up. To stand out, Be weird. Play far from the norm. Be crazy… J 

It is what I live for.

On Street culture…

Energy. Vibrancy. Determination. Adrenalin rush. Excitement. Fun. Just everything awesome… J

On Running culture…

Nothing intrigues me more than people who run. I have extreme respect. The endurance. The spirit that’s forever alive. The sense of hope. The positive atmosphere. The endless support that runners always give each other. The winner mentality. The sense peace and safeness that one gets on the road. The group runs. The sense of belonging. The smiles. All these, truly unique, inspirational ways of life, are what make the culture of runners.

On injury…

An injury is of the most devastating aspects of running. I had to quit football due to a knee injury I sustained back in high school. Fortunately, I would still be able to jog and do some light runs, however, I further aggravated the injury in 2013 while training and I had to off road over six months. By far one the most difficult, unpleasant periods I’ve had to endure in my life. It is then I realized I cannot live without running. It is my life. Running defines me. It is who I am. All I ever want to do. Till the casket drops.

On achievements…

Well… Just having the ability to finish a race is in its own sense a major achievement. However, moments that stand out are when I came out third at The Wedge Spring run in 2013 and again in 2014. It is a fairly small race, but the feeling of being in the top three was and still feels awesome. So unreal…

I regard personal time improvements as achievements as well. Going from an average of 58 minutes for a 10km to 48 minutes for a 10km is a major.

On future goals…

Apart from wanting to inspire others to open their eyes to the beaut that is running, my goal is to run my first 42km this year and to do one or two ultras. Long term goal obviously would be to run the ultimate human race, Comrades marathon.

On your social media…

I am on the following social networks:

- Twitter - @Kamzin
- Instagram - @lord_kamza
- Facebook – Kamohelo Mokoena.
- WhatsApp – 079 65….. J

On Pink…

Well… Pink is Pink… J

On Pain…

Pain is necessary. Pain is inevitable. Fortunately, other types of pain are temporary.

In relation to running, most of the time, it is painful to keep, to put the leg after the other, but, it would most definitely more painful to cease running. In any case, the challenging part about running is what makes it great… J

I personally believe that the only way to enjoy and deeply comprehend the joys of pure pleasure, is to know the wrath of pain. Pain and pleasure are partners in this. One can’t have the other and not the other. They go hand in hand.

If one looks at it positively, pain builds. It is a foundation for growth.

Any achievement is never great nor fully fulfilling without a fair degree of pain

When I die…

When I die, I would like to be buried with my running shorts, a vest, a music player, a digital wrist watch and Adidas Adipure running shoes, for, this would not be the end… J

I would love to leave behind a legacy of inspiration, priceless memories, a sense of love, positivity and smiles to those left behind.


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