Eros Munoz
Thursday, March 19, 2015
I have made it my mission to feature more runners from Africa and it has proved to be quite a challenge. I guess this could be attributed to a number of factors. I'm still on that instamission to find more local runners. African runners...
On who you are…
My Name is Eros Munoz and I’m from Mexico. I’m an IT Coordinator and teacher working for an International school in Mozambique, Africa. I’m not the typical high school athlete that grew up running or exercising at all. When I was younger I used to party a lot and I didn’t care much about being fit or healthy. I’m not very sure how it all began, but I have felt in love with the sport and I tried to run even on those days where I’m stuck at work or planning my lessons.
On running…
I love being able to just tie my shoes and hit the road. I tried to run around town in the afternoon after work or early mornings during the weekend where I can spend more time running. I don’t go crazy during the week mostly because of time and traffic(5k-8k). Since in Mozambique it can be very hot most of the day, me and my wife try to wake up really early to avoid the heat. Around 4:30-5:00. During the weekend we tried to log 12k to 17k If there’s a race around. I think long runs are the perfect excuse for big breakfasts.
On Street culture…
One of the things I love arbout our runs in the afternoon is seeing all the people sharing the roads jogging or running. As I said before, I was never part of the track and field team and when I started running I felt a little intimidated by the ”elite runners”. The streets are full of people that just love the sport and they run because they can. It doesn’t matter If you are fast or slow, tall or short, big or small. We all share the joy of running.
On Running culture…
I guess that people is getting more aware about health and fitness and about all the benefits found in running. Besides, races are so much fun! There’s nothing better that making a personal best, or sharing a race with your loved ones and friends. Also, you can share a beer or two with your friends, for hydration purposes, of course.
On gadgets…
I’m a geeky tech guy, so yes, I love gadgets. I would love to try all the new gps watches, fitness trackers, heart rate monitors and connect them to my phone to see what data I can collect and analyze. The truth is, the only one I use is my Garmin fr220 because I’m such a statistics nerd. I want to know how far, what pace, cadence and see If I’m going to do better next time or not. Sometimes I use a small shuffle to listen to a podcast or some music, but only when I’m enclosed in the gym and it’s too hot to run outside. Other than that, I don’t like to carry a lot of stuff.
On injury…
are very frustrating, but I have learned to be patient and not rush recovery.
When I was younger I would ignore injuries just to keep going, but I have
realized that If I´m not 100%, it can get worse and keep me longer from
On achievements…
I´ve always
thought that any achievements comes with hard work. You can’t expect to get
fast without any effort, or run further over night. You have to be consistent
and believe you can do it. Then work hard to make progress. Results don’t come
inmediatly and we have to accept that even small progress, is progress.
On future goals…
I would
love to run the “Caballo Blanco Ultra” in the copper canyons in Mexico but I’m
not sure where I’ll be in the next couple of years.
On your social media…
I used to post every kilometer I ran on facebook but now I’m kind of lazy for that. I still post everything in the Garmin website to analyze where I sucked or where I improved. I’m a nerd.
On Pink…
I’m almost blind, so I ask my wife to wear bright colors so I can see her when we run. Neon pink and orange are my favorite to spot her. Oh, Pink the singer? Yes, I love her music too.
On Pain…
I hated
hills. They hated me. Now, they like me and I like them, but I had to accept
the pain. I can deal with most of it.
When I die…
When I die I think I won´t be able to run anymore… L