Huixin Yong
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Katherine aka HuiXin, 25, I'm an accountant and a run addict.
2. Location and crew?
Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. I'm the co-captain of RUN89 Crew and also a member of Nike Run Club
3. What you have gained from running?
Running has
helped me in more ways than I could imagine. I used to be an anti-social,
laying on my couch watching tv was my thing back then. And I'm not very proud
of it. Ever since I picked up running,
it has opened up a whole new world for me where I could meet awesome
people and share my joy with my fellow runners. Running has also made me a
stronger and better person.
4. What you hope to achieve in future?
I've always
been a fan of Nike's Women Marathon series, I really hope one day I could
participate in one (the tiffany & Co. neacklace is absolute sweetness!)
Another one of my dream race Hood to Coast, it will be a dream come true for me
to be able to race in one with my fellow crew members. That would've been one
heck of an experience.
5. What makes you an indie runner?
I'm an indie
runner because I try to live everyday of my life to the fullest. Because I
believe in when there's a will, there's a way. Because I believe that I could
inspire others to get out and get running.
- Follow her on instagram: @huixin_ss
- Follow her on instagram: @huixin_ss