Edna Alfaro

Monday, November 24, 2014

I think in life you have your people, what I mean is. There is that 1 person you come across everyday. You may not talk to them but you pass them. That is how I met Edna, we crossed paths so many times on instagram streets, obviously she had to be on the blog. That is what I love about social media, meeting people from different backgrounds because right now I can not afford to travel. #RunRevolution is worldwide...

The first time I ran was when I started dating with the guy who become my husband a year later, it was 2001, He couldn't believe I had never run before, a doctor said me once It was bad for my health because I have lumbar scoliosis, but he taught me the technique and never hurt me or tired, but after we got married we were so involved on settling our future we left sports on a second place.

Ten years later starting 2011, at our highest weight (which was about 10k above the median, we've never been obese) we both committed to work out on a daily basis, we started at home with insanity, at first was so hard, but the results made me continue, a couple of months later my husband decided to start running again and left me alone with Shaun T.

Then I started switching between insanity and running, I truly believed it will be easy because of the strength gained with insanity…but I was wrong, I had the ability to run around a playground near home, seriously, wasn't easy at all, at that time my husband was running a 10k at 49 minutes and I ran a little bit more than a mile, with 2 breath pauses, but didn't give up, I ran my first 5k on October 2012, finished in 39 minutes, and continued all 2013 running 5 and 10k races, and one 16k with obstacles, still switching with at home work outs (I´m a mom without help), but never had a certain goal in terms of running, instead, my husband ran 2 half marathons and 3 marathons, and improved his 10k time by almost 10 minutes, I knew It was the time to set specific goals if I really want to Improve my body as my husband did.

I set 3 goals for 2014: One of them was to reach my goal weight, which I have reached, Second to run my first half marathon, which I finished, and Third, run a 5k in less than 30 minutes, which hopefully I’ll get that on November 30th.

For me, become a runner has been an emotional race, I started because I wanted a better health, mom and dad passed away for habits related diseases, most of the time I run without music, just my thoughts and I, and they are always there, I want to become a better example for the people around me, specially for my daughters, I was a smoker for 15 years and finally quitted thanks to running, It also taught me a strength I never knew I had, I have 34 months training 6 days a week, with just a few exceptions.

The body change has been just an extra gift for me, also, running has helped me to strength my relationship with my husband, there’s an expression in México “If you can’t beat the enemy, join 'em” I used to be always angry because of the time he spent training, now I know is the best way to invest my time, I’m certainly “stealing” this time to my daughters daily, but I will get it back by staying here for they for much more time than my mom was with me.

- Follow her on instagram: @edna.fit


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