Bheka Khoza

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

1. Who you are, how old you are and what you do?
My name is Bheka Kevin Khoza, Aged 23 and I go to Monash University, studying Business management and Marketing.

2. Location and crew?
I do not have a crew, I'm generally I sole runner. I run anywhere but mostly in Roodepoort and Fourways.

3. What you have gained from running?

Running has helped me master the skill of consistency, as to get better at running you should be consistent. The second thing was to do things at my own pace. This is not a race but just a hobby that unites people who love running. I hope I'm still to be united with my fellow runners on the streets.

4. What you hope to achieve in future?

I hope to make more friends who I'll be chasing pavements with. #RunRevolution is promising to unite such people and that's is why I want to be part of it. Bottom line I wanna achieve more KM's.

5. What makes you an indie runner?

Well, I'm #ThePacer I set my own pace, I do not follow any other runner. I'm just inspired by them. I run only because I'm addicted to it. I just enjoy the freedom the streets give, lastly I love nature and running gets me closer to it. I guess these are some of the reasons why I'm different from the other runner on the street...

- Follow him on instagram: @bhekakhoza


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