Mike Saes

Monday, June 01, 2015

Bridge Runners /// One of the most iconic crews in the world, they have been around for years. Here, I have the oppurtunity to pick the brain of this urban running legend, our #MCM for this week. 


Q. Tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do for a living?
I'm a 44 year old "True Yorker" and a struggling entrepreneur.

Q. How do you balance your exercise regime and your professional life?
I incorporated it into my lifestyle so I don't see it as exercise. I bike to places to drink and eat, I run to socialize and sight see, I don't workout.

Q. When and why did you start running?
I didn't run track but I ran in the train tracks as a kid.

Q. What motivates you to go out there, when you do not feel like it? 
It's my job, I don't need motivation, I'm a motivator!

Q. What is the longest distance you have ran?
100 miles in under 25 hours.

Q. What gives you the confidence to run in the streets?
I run these streets.

Q. What do you think about the lack of exercise among the youth?
I plan to change it.

Q. What was your best running experience?
My best is yet to come.

Q. What was your worst running experience?
My worst is forgotten.

Q. How do you push through the pain?
I move it to other parts and rotate.

Q. What advice can you give somebody who wants to start running?
Get with a Crew!

Q. Which Social media sites are you on and how can one follow you?
Just instagram with @BRidgerunners @mikesaes and @trueyorkers @BRidgerollers

My best running shoes is …
 Nike Miler

I love running because … 
  It's therapeutic

Injury is … 

My body is … 
  Still standing

My running playlist has …
  Theme songs from open windows and old men on bikes.

I hate running when … 
  I never hate running but I do hate "Rooster Runs"

Pain is … 

The road … 
  Less traveled

Sweat is … 

In future, I would like to run … 
  Marathons when I'm 80

Indie means … 
  My son but with a "Y"

I do not like runners who …
  Fart in front of me during marathons.


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