Fernanda Melo

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

LOADSHEDDING /// If you do not live in South Africa then you are lucky for the past 2 days I have not had electricity between 6 and 10:30 pm whoch is a bummer for me because I can not do anything without electricity except try to sleep. 

I can finally post our #wcw on a Wednesday because I do have electricity :). I chose her because she participated in the Egyptian marathon. Running through sand and heat, I think this is on my bucket list. 

Q. Tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do for a living?
My name is Fernanda Melo, I have always been a morning person and thought I should seize the day or even life itself as I like to take advantage of evenings reuniting family and friends over dinner and good conversation. I work with advertising.

Q. How do you balance your exercise regime and your professional life?
I exercise in the early morning before my work hours. I wake up at 5am every day and run. This energizes me and stimulates me for the day ahead.

Q. When and why did you start running?
I’ve been an athlete since I was a child. I loved to swim, had jazz dance lessons, played volleyball with friend and as I grew up I always followed the sports scene. When gyms grew popular in Brazil, I worked out and had aerobic lessons.

Running became a part of my life about 12 years ago and since then I’ve loved to participate in marathons and competitions.

Q. What motivates you to go out there, when you do not feel like it?
What motivates me in these cases is knowing that if I don’t go, I’ll regret it. Once I get to running, I immediately feel better, my mood changes and everything falls into place. My mind and body reply better during the day when I run in the morning, otherwise it seems as though I’m not productive in any other activity.

Q. What is the longest distance you have ran?
75 kilometers in the “Brasil 135 Ultramarathon”
Q. What gives you the confidence to run in the streets?
I train, therefore I know I can do it. 

Q. What do you think about the lack of exercise among the youth?
Catastrophic! Due to the comfort of kewboards (in notebooks, game consules, cellphone, etc) the youth have lost their motor skills due to this lack of exercise.

Q. What was your best running experience?
My best running experience was overcoming sleepiness, hunger, tiredness during the “Brasil 135 Milhas”. Better yet was getting over the fear of running alone at night on a road, in the dark, with nothing but a flashlight.

Q. What was your worst running experience?
Running in pain. Due to an injury I spent a long period of time training in a swimming pool to not suffer any impacts. On a marathon after this, I ran the last 18km feeling a lot of pain in my feet.

Q. How do you push through the pain?
I try to distract myself with the local landscape, because I know that our minds command our bodies and everything is just a matter of hanging in there until it’s over. 

Q. What advice can you give somebody who wants to start running?
Be persistant.

Q. Which Social media sites are you on and how can one follow you?
I have a blog www.femeloblog.com

On Instagram you can find me as @femelo
On Facebook as Fernanda Melo or with the link: https://www.facebook.com/fernanda.melo.5205 

On Pinterest as femeloblog 

  • My best running shoes is Asics. 
  • I love running because it is life in motion. 
  • Injury is learning. 
  • My body is sanctuary. 
  • My running playlist has anything with a steady beat. 
  • I hate running when I’m feeling lazy. 
  • Pain is an alert sign. 
  • The road is the destination. 
  • Sweat is the soul’s relief. 
  • In future, I would like to run growing old. 
  • Indie means the wings of a bird. 
  • I do not like runners who cheat.


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