Michael Jones

Thursday, June 25, 2015

A few weeks ago I received an email from a runner who had seen the blog and wanted to be featured. This does not happen a lot and when he did I was very excited because that means people are reading the blog and the #RunRevolution movement is growing :D

On who you are…
My name is Michael Jones. People know me as Mike Jones and @jonesdoesit on instagram. I consider myself an outgoing introvert that’s passionate about helping others and giving back to my community in the best way I know how. I’m 25 and I’m currently finishing up my masters in economics.

On running…

I started running in high school when I joined the track team. I ran the 400 and 800 meter for two years but stopped running once I went to undergrad. In 2014, I started running again to help relieve stress from graduate school. It started with Richmond’s biggest race, the Monument 10k, then later a 15k and so on. In just over a year, I’ve ran countless 5ks and 10ks, 6 half marathons, and 2 marathons. Running transitioned from a stress release to something that I just naturally enjoyed.

On Street culture…

Living in a city like Richmond, VA makes you appreciate street culture. I live in an artsy, foodie, craft beer loving, river city with people from various backgrounds. It’s refreshing to meet people and learn their perspective on life.

On Running culture… 

A lot times, running is the missing piece that some of us need/want to balance out our lives. It’s wonderful to see how and why people run. Runners communicate with their own language (BQ, PRs, etc.) and with rhythm/tempo. You build relationships with people from all walks of life because of one common interest that is shared. It’s truly a beautiful thing. 

On gadgets…
I use gadgets all the time. I run with my Garmin religiously and just started training with a heart rate monitor to make sure that I do not over train at times. When I first started, I used my phone but as I transitioned into longer distances, I decided a gps watch was necessary. I’m not big on running with music. I feel it takes away from the running experience.

On injury…

Thankfully, I have not had any major injuries. I listen to my body and adjust my running schedule according to how I feel. Incorporating cross training has helped prevent injuries but at the end of the day, when your body is telling you that it needs rest, REST!

On achievements…

I’m so grateful for how far I’ve come in just over a year. I ran my first marathon with a sub 3:30 goal and got it. After that, I said, what about a sub 3:15? So with the appropriate training, I was fortunate to reach that goal. Running marathons have convinced me that I can accomplish any goal if I put the appropriate preparation in and have faith.

On future goals… 

In the future, I want to run the Boston Marathon. Since I’m 25, I need to run a sub 3:05 (realistically a 3:03 or faster to actually get in). With my achievements in the marathon thus far, I know I will qualify and run it in the next few years. I’m just going to enjoy the journey until then.

On your social media… 

I’m not on twitter anymore but I’m always on instagram. Looking at what other runners post motivates me and I’m able to have the same impact in their lives, whether we are in the same city or across the globe. I post my goals and workouts on social media for the running community to hold me accountable. Knowing that people are rooting for you just you are for them is special. You don’t have to know them in person. The support is amazing. I’ve met some people who I know will forever play a role in my running journey.

On Pink…

Hmmm…Pink. It may end up on a pair of running shoes that I buy seeing that the trend in running shoes is loud, bright, neon colors haha!

On Pain…

It’s a part of the journey. Pain is physical confirmation that closer to your goals.

When I die…

I hope my children and grandchildren will look at my collection of medals and bibs and remember to take a break from their busy lives and make time for whatever they are passionate about. Hopefully running, but no pressure haha!


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