Lesego Mokaleng
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
The first time I saw her I thought she was 18, 19 and I was in disbelief when I found out she is not 18 or 19. In fact she is an age that I will not reveal because it is rude to tell a ladies age. Looking young is something most people wish for and she has it on lock. When I grow up I also want to look like a teenager, since apparently I look old enough to get into the office.
A. I am from a small town called Lichtenburg in the North
West Province,moved around a lot in my childhood around North West though, did
my primary school at Itsoseng,Mafikeng and Mareetsane Laerskool(boarding
school) and finished off my high school at Klerksdorp also boarding school.I
have an intelligent 9 year old boy who is turning 10 soon he is the best thing
that ever happened to me so that makes me his Mother :D the best job ever, Love
Love being a mommy to him. Been in Johannesburg for 7 years now, tried a whole
lot of different stuff when I got here and I have found myself in a T.V
Production being an admin coordinator which I’m enjoying.
Q. How
do you balance your exercise regime and your professional life?
A. There are times were it gets hectic at work and I have to
work long hours so during the week I make sure I go to gym once or twice a week
for the morning sessions, then my weekends I dedicate to my running, I make
time and make sure its well balanced.
Q. What does your weekly fitness regime consist of?
A. I've recently started going to gym thanks to my running club mates. Monday to Wednesday,
I exercise at home. Thursdays, I do spinning classes and body pump
classes. On weekends my Saturdays I join my running club #Braamfierunners
some Sundays i run marathons/races which helps me to improve with my km's and
my timing.
Q. When
and why did you start running?
A. As far as I can remember I used to be an active, child
primary school & in high school I played netball did long jump and 500m. I
enjoyed it and I still do, I never thought I could be running long distances as
I used to jog around the block and that was it. Until my sister told me to try 5km and I
thought to myself is she crazy? that’s too much for me I could never (haha). I
started going to races with her and here I am loving every moment, not easy but
I keep on pushing.
Q. What
motivates you to go out there, when you do not feel like it?
A. I won’t lie its not easy, challenging ,discipline &
patience are the things I had to learn throughout. That’s why I listened to the
advice and joined a running a club, meeting new, open minded, fun people that
are motivating each other. Now that keeps me up and running.
Q. What
is the longest distance you have ran?
A. 21km which I did at #SandtontoSoweto and I believe it was
my best so far but still working on my time.
Q. What
do you love about running?
A. I love running because when I go out for a run, I control
everything my distance, speed, form and attitude. When I go out there it's
me and pavement, I can set a goal and I can reach it. It's satisfying to
push myself to what I think is my absolute limit... and then push myself even
further on my next run.
Q. What
do you hate about running?
A. "I hate it when you tell me not to rest when I’m exhausted
and not to stop when I want to quit".
Q. What
gives you the confidence to run in the streets?
A. Try self-Talk LOL!!
Q. How do you think running can empower women?
A. We as women we have different kinds of bodies and taking
good care of it is important, we need to celebrate our bodies by starting to
set a goal and achieve it, I think that’s the way to empower each other.
Q. How
do you envision the future of running?
A. Time
& Commitment.
Q. What would you like to achieve in the future in terms of
A. Better fitness and time results will do.
Q. What
do you think about the lack of exercise among the youth?
A. These days it’s all about gadgets etc., I think it could
be changed as parents and teachers to the youth to show them the importance of exercising.
There are different kinds of exercise out there so no excuses! kids should be
kids and its good for them to exercise too.
Q. What
was your best running experience?
A. My first race 5km.
Q. What was your worst running experience?
A. Uphills!!!! *wipesforehead* who created that! (Giggles)
Q. How do you push through the pain?
A. The thought of me being there, the start line and looking
forward to the finish line.
Q. What
is your favourite shoe to run in?
A. Any
comfortable shoe (mostly Nike)
Q. What
can you not run without?
A. Nothing yet, planning on getting the lightest wrist-
watch ever.
Q. What
advice can you give somebody who wants to start running?
A. Take one day at a time, easy. Even if it is 3km/5km we all
start somewhere. It’s not easy yes but, let it be your goal and achieve It,
watch what you eat as well so you can balance, since we have different kinds of
bodies and to see results better as well. Then the next minute you know you
will be hooked and enjoying the marathon/race.
Q. Which
Social media sites are you on and how can one follow you?
I'm so damn proud of you!!! God bless you Sego and continue to live life to the fullest.