Seitshiro Masilo
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
On who you are…
Tshiro or Seitshiro as my mother would call me when she is mad at me. I am an aunt, sister, friend and now became a coach to some of my colleagues.
On running…
I am truly a slow runner due to asthma, so I prefer running alone as I have to monitor the wheezes and air capacity and if needs be, take a few puffs, however, I love challenging myself with uphill runs. I try to run or exercise after work and on weekends but of course, there has to be one rest day per week.
On your First Run...
My friend Pam is responsible, we entered a fun walk but ended up running the 9.4km. My 1st real run was the Rock the Run 5km in 2014 with Miss Pamela Mbambisa of course then we started entering almost every other race that followed. I love running with Pam for I know laughter is guaranteed.
On Street culture…
The big Metros are to thank for creating if not maintaining beautiful hangouts. Where I do my afternoon runs, the scenery is truly breath-taking.
On running culture…
The running culture along with the street culture have gone up and I think that social media has so much influence and, people have become health conscious.
On gadgets…
I was never a fan of gadgets actually still not but we have to monitor our progress or lack thereof with the very same gadgets. Runners have become targets for thieves, unfortunately I witness two incidents where phones were taken from individuals running.
On injury…
I thank the Lord for I have never suffered any injuries. I try to stretch pre and post running to avoid injuries.
On Achievements…
I started with 5km runs then went for run 10km with Pam. I then graduated and ran 21km, my first being the Wonderpark/Akasia race in 2017. I then ran The Wally Hayward Marathon 42km which was not easy but I did it.
On future goals…
I wish to beat my own records. I will be running the Soweto Marathon and “The Tough One”
On your social media…
@Seitshir0 on Twitter, Seitshiro Masilo on Facebook, @tshir0 on Instagram
On Pink…
hmmm pink is a cute colour for running gear
On Pain…
Pain? What pain? I find that the best way to exert emotional pain is by running or punching few bags
On women’s running…
“It is a shame for a woman to grow old without ever seeing the strength and beauty of which her body is capable of” Socrates
On the Past you…
Dear Tshiro, procrastination is the thief of time, just start.
When I die…
I would have done the Comrades and London marathons