Gabriela Delgadillo

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A lot of the time we are told to start off slow with 1 kilometere at a time but... 

Q. Tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do for a living?

A. My name is Gabriela Delgadillo Sarabia. I was born in Tijuana, Mexico. My family moved to California when I was two years old and I became a U.S. Citizen when I was 28. I now live in beautiful Seattle, Washington. I am a legal assistant, a runner, a marathoner, half marathoner, a metric century bike racer, crossfitter and a P90X(er).

Q. How do you balance your exercise regime and your professional life? 

A. I work during the day and work out during the night. Exercise brings me joy. It’s a must.

Q. When and why did you start running?

A.  My running journey didn’t begin until 2008 when a co-worker was looking for someone (anyone) to go with her to a Team In Training informational meeting to run the Nike Women’s Marathon. I had read the brochure before and it scared me, but she needed someone to go with, so I reluctantly agreed with the mindset that I would go just for support. I am an emotional creature, so as soon as the meeting was over, I was in tears and hooked - I joined. I was pumped. I wanted to make a difference. I felt that if people could hang on day-in and day-out with cancer and fight for their lives, I could surely fund raise and run a full marathon for them, and so began my running journey.

Q. What motivates you to go out there when you do not feel like it?
A. I want to be able to fully believe in myself and my training when I step up to that start line. So, whenever I don’t feel like getting out there, I remind myself that this race will be run with full confidence in my training and myself.

Q. What is the longest distance you have ran?
A. TWENTY SIX POINT TWO. When I started my running journey, people questioned why I was jumping to 26.2 instead of starting with 13.1. I thought to myself, “why not? I can do this and I’ll prove it to you.” And I did.

Q. What gives you the confidence to run in the streets?
A. When I’m out running the streets of West Seattle, I feel like I dominate my body and mind. I feel strong. I feel emotional. I feel confident in the streets because the streets take me to an emotional and strength building place that I can’t gain anywhere else.

Q. What do you think about the lack of exercise among the youth?
A. It’s sad. I think it’s important that the youth participate in sports and exercise. However, I’m a strong believer in: it’s never too late to get out there and run or exercise. 

Q. What was your best running experience?

A. I have two significant best running experiences:

1. In 2008 I ran my first full marathon for Leukaemia and Lymphoma patients. That was my best running experience for someone else. That experience was immensely emotional. I felt I had made a difference. I had run for people who couldn’t. It was a very humbling, rewarding experience.

2. In 2014 I made the decision to train myself for a full marathon. I had been trained by a coach on each of my previous marathons, but this time would be different, I would trust myself and my training. I PRd at 4:06 (past times: 5:31 and 4:52). Being able to train myself and truly trust myself was my best running experience for me.

Q. What was your worst running experience?
A. In 2009 I decided to run my second marathon. I wanted to run a 4:30 marathon. I didn’t hit my goal and I broke down on the course and cried. I was so disappointed that I had trained so hard and for so long and had actually set a time goal, but I didn’t hit it. #YOUALWAYSBOUNCEBACK

Q. How do you push through the pain?
A. With courage, determination and heart. Both knees spasmed in my 2014 PR marathon, but I pushed through with the thought that I had a goal and I was determined to hit that goal. And I did!

Q. What advice can you give somebody who wants to start running?
A. Believe in yourself. There is nothing you can’t do, but you must believe in yourself first. I believed I could fundraise $2,700 for the LLS, and I did. I believed I could run 26.2 miles (instead of 13.1) when I started my running journey, and I did. I believed I could hit 4:06-4:15, and I did! You must believe in yourself, and the rest will come.

I started in 2008 with cotton t-shirts, regular bra (not a running bra), normal tennis shoes and a pair of running shorts that didn’t fit. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I don’t think I even knew how many miles a full marathon was. One thing is certain that I knew, though: I believed I could. And I did.

Q. Which Social media sites are you on and how can one follow you?
I love “meeting” new people and following their journey through difficult times and best times of their lives. I love encouraging, being inspired and inspiring. It’s amazing to me that the people I have most things in common with are via social media. I love my IG peeps!

My best running shoes is...

I love running because... gives me a feeling of freedom. A feeling that I could do anything I set my mind to.

Injury is...
...a bummer, but it’s an indication that you must rest. You should keep your eye on the bigger picture, not the picture right now.

My body is...
...what gets me to that finish line and allows my heart and brain to be happy.

My running playlist...
...has “Happy” “Wake Me Up” “Timber” “Please Forgive Me” “Titanium” – Fast music to keep my tempo up.

I hate running when...’s too cold. I would like to say that I love running year-round but I can’t. I might be the biggest cold weather chicken you’ll ever meet. You won’t see me running the streets in the cold winter months. I might try a Turkey Trot this year, though to try something new.

Pain is... favorite symptom. It means progress to me. Whether it’s pain from a bad run or sore muscles, I see that as progress. Unless it’s pain from an injury then that just sucks. 

The road is... best friend and soothing ground during spring and summer.

Sweat is... favorite! I absolutely love to sweat!

In future, I would like to... a marathon at or under 4:00. I can’t wait until that day. It will happen. No question.

Indie means... myself for a full marathon. My way.

I do not like runners whoI like all runners!


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