Charmayne Lee

Thursday, August 04, 2016

On who you are...

I am Charmayne, a student from Malaysia. As I turn 20 this year, it will also mark my 5th year being involved in distance running. I am also a pacer for the PUMA Malaysia Night Running Club. Part athlete-part recreational jogger; till this very day, I can’t possibly explain the reason as to why I picked up this sport/hobby. I’m sure it’s not for the looks, not much for health either (in fact, I keep healthy for the sake of my running)! I just love to do so, I guess 

On running...

What’s so unique about running is how simple and yet, how complex it is. There’s something so much more than just putting one foot in front of the other, something that just speaks and connects to that very raw and primal side in all of us. Like a fish in water
On your first run...

I was 11 years old and had participated in a 200m race just for the fun of it. I didn’t have any prior training and I remember it was exhausting! However, I loved the exhilaration of a race and continued competing into my high school years; eventually finding my way to longer distances, road races and endurance events. 

On street culture...

I think that running is slowly making its way into street trends. Running apparel from brands such as PUMA or Nike have become fashion statements amongst not only runners, but the general public. I think it’s a healthy trend though 
On running culture...

There are those that run for weight loss, for competition, to follow the running trend; the reasons are endless! But I love how despite their different reasons and backgrounds, runners can somehow come together, with a shared passion for something as crazy as voluntarily tiring oneself just for the sheer sake of it.
On gadgets...

Simplicity - that’s what I love about running. Pretty much all you need is yourself. It’s even possible to run barefoot if you want to! However, if you’re into the more technical side of running or aiming to hit personal bests, it’s essential to get a GPS watch. Timing your splits, keeping track of your pace or even heart rate can help you monitor and analyse your performance

On injury...

It’s really not uncommon to hear a runner complain about injuries. It’s so easy to get sucked up into the runner’s high and forget about balance and gradual increments. While a little aches and pains are a part and parcel of a runner’s life, it is important that we take great care of our bodies too. A serious injury could put us “on the bench” or the worst case scenario, possibly hang our shoes.
On achievements...

Achievements are subjective. Everyone has their own goals. I was so caught up with racing for a point of time that I forgot my love for running. Personally, I find that the greatest achievement I can get from running is sustainability, self-love and balance. I love the freedom I feel to run at my very own preferred leisure pace; as well as that feeling when I run my lungs out, choking at a ‘vomit-worthy’ pace to smash personal bests and grabbing podium positions. Besides that, I’ve met people in the running community in whom I’ve found friendship, strength and support; and that in itself, is a great achievement to me.

On future goals...

As of now, I just want to better myself, with respect to my limits, without any comparison to others. I want running to remain as an integral part of my life, holding every aspect of it together and bringing out the best possible version of me.
On your social media...

Despite the negative views that it receives from society nowadays, I want to use social media as a platform to positively reach out to others. I hope to motivate and inspire, to spread and promote self-acceptance. Although I am still learning to do so myself, I want people to believe in themselves and most importantly, in their capabilities; to reach their personal goals, without being brought down by the comparison to or pressure by others
On pink...

Pink? Most would think that it’s a colour or symbol associated with women. I personally don’t think so. I think that, like how we promote equality nowadays, pink is universal. It doesn’t hold any specific significance; to women, children, men, boys, girls, animals, nature alike. 
On pain...

Pain shapes us. It teaches us tough lessons –usually those that matter the most-; and I think that pain is what makes happiness, love and joy so so precious.

On women’s running... 
Many women think that ‘athleticism’ belongs to the masculine. Like a passage I once read by Lauren Fleshman, physical strength isn’t a trait reserved just for ‘men’. Besides, I also think that women should run for reasons other than those skin deep; weight loss isn’t everything, girls. Keep your head up high. Run to accept and love yourself; not to punish the person that you are! When you feel amazing, trust me, you will look the part too 
On the past you...

Find what you love –be it running or something else. Don’t distort it; do it for you, for others, because that’s what makes it all worthwhile

When I die...

It may sound like a stereotypical answer, but I sincerely do wish to have left a positive impact on others, to have done something –no matter how small- which made someone’s life a little better. I don’t want to have lived life aimlessly; as a selfish person would only go as they have lived - alone. I want to live with reason, to have lived a life made to fulfil the purpose that God has/had for me.

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