Sharon Van Wyk

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

For the first time this year I feel like I can breathe easy. I do not have assignments to fill in and I do not have to be in Sandton by 8AM. I have decided to dedicate this holiday to just relaxing and improving my blog. In about a week we are turning 1 and I feel like the blog needs to evolve so a few changes will be taking place. I am going to make running a lifestyle and not just a thing that a few crazy people do because they want to lose weight or because they are addicted. 

Before that happens though, there are runners that I would like you to meet inspirational people who I think about when I am running or the ones that I approach on instagram. Like Sharon which I hope to meet at the races soon :) 

Q. Tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do for a living?
My name is Sharon and I’m a 42 year old account manager for a gaming software distributor and Mom of two daughters. 

Q. How do you balance your exercise regime and your professional life?
It’s tough, the only way I can squeeze in time for me to train is in the early mornings, before work and before my children wake up so my husband and I alternate training mornings and my training has to be finished by 6am otherwise there simply won’t be any time in the day.

Q. When and why did you start running?
I started running in April last year after I embarked on my own #fatgirlslim journey, I’d lost 15kg’s since January and felt it was time to add exercise into my regimen but didn’t have the finances for a gym membership, so I started walking daily which then morphed into shuffling and then jogging to running. 

Q. What motivates you to go out there, when you do not feel like it?
Fear! Fear of getting fat! Fear of going back to where I was a year ago 118kg’s, fat, unhealthy & unhappy. Also, fear of losing my fitness because I’ve trained really hard over the last few months and really don’t want to lose my conditioning. 

Q. What is the longest distance you have ran?
21.1km’s. I don’t think I’ll ever run further, a half marathon is just enough for me. I’ve run 3 so far and really enjoyed them but don’t see myself pushing further than that. 

Q. What gives you the confidence to run in the streets?
It depends when/where and who I’m running with. Generally I run the streets around my home, which are quiet but at the big races, the crowds, supporters and community are amazing. 

Q. What do you think about the lack of exercise among the youth?
It’s a concern. Given my own struggle with obesity and health issues relating to obesity. I have two young daughters who I don’t want to see struggle the same way I have, so we’re trying to teach them from a young age, the importance of exercise, healthy eating and making the right choices. 

Q. What was your best running experience?
I ran my first Two Oceans this year and it was fantastic! I had a great race, I ran really strong and was so amped just to be there and be privileged enough to get an entry into the world’s most beautiful race. 

Q. What was your worst running experience?
The Soweto last year…. It was my first half marathon and I was completely under prepared. From about 15km’s it started to hurt like crazy and honestly I don’t know how I managed to make it across the finish line, but I was so relieved when I got there that I burst into tears! 

Q. How do you push through the pain?
I am VERY VERY competitive and this really helps to keep me going. I also prefer running in groups or with a friend as that helps to keep me pushing, I hate being the one holding the group back. I try not to run alone, not even races, I always run with a buddy, this helps keep me motivated and pushing hard through the pain. 

Q. What advice can you give somebody who wants to start running?
Just DO IT! When I first started I could hardly walk down the road, never mind run a half marathon. But each day I got tougher, I got stronger and I got faster. Everyone starts somewhere so just start! 

Q. Which Social media sites are you on and how can one follow you?

  • My best running shoes is …currently, my purple Nike Vomero’s 
  • I love running because … It reminds me of where I’ve come from & where I’m going physically, from being so obese to where I am today. 
  • Injury is … so far I’ve been lucky… long may it last!
  • My body is … a miracle that has been transformed from something I loathed to something I love. 
  • My running playlist has … Imagine Dragons & lots of rock included in it. 
  • I hate running when … I’m on my own. Hate it hate it! 
  • Pain is … ending. Pain always has a beginning and an ending & you just HAVE to push through it. 
  • The road … long but it’s the journey and not the destination that counts. 
  • Sweat is … my fat cells crying! 
  • In future, I would like to run … The Knysna Half Marathon. 
  • Indie means … awesome running inspiration!

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