Swimming Session To...

Thursday, March 05, 2020

absorb the last rays of sunshine

A playlist dedicated to Megan, because she got me in the swimming pool again. Twice a week that is our plan, I am actually not happy that we missed today's session, Maybe it could have been the day I swim 1 KM. 

A swimming playlist... 

I cant really swim with music in my ears, breathe in, blow out the breath slowly. Oh but don't forget to kick otherwise you will sink. Also engage your core, you want to strengthen those muscles. Make sure your body is in a straight line. 

There is just too much happening. 

Mare its March now, we are welcoming the first greetings of Autumn and enjoying the last rays of the sun. If you enjoyed the last playlist (🧘‍♂️ Yoga Practice of... Trying New Things) you have to listen to this one. 

Track List

- The Warm Up -

The water is slightly cold, you just got comfortable with all the treadmill runners looking down at you, they saw your stretch marks

Source : Youtube.com

- 200M strokes -

Source : Pinterest.com

- The Cool Down -

The live version for this one is absolutely amazing 

Source : Genius.com
Use this playlist for studying, cooling down after a run or gym session. Even for those rest days where you just want to do nothing... 

S/O to ThatIndieSnap Photography for the snapshot. 

The playlist is available now on Apple Music and Spotify

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