Into Your Body

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Out of your head and into your body. These are words I would typically hear during yoga practice. Yoga? Living my white girl best life?

A few months ago, I wandered into my first yoga class. It was one of  those days where I didn't feel like running and well I had always wanted to try this class. I didn't think it would be that hectic, its not as intense as a HIIT class or smashing kilometre's on the road. However, it was a different type of challenge, you would be surprised how hard it is to hold a pose. Trying not to slip off your yoga mat. 

Some benefits of yoga for running include: 

  • Strength
  • Flexibility 
  • Improved Breathing 
  • Balance
My favourite is the flexibility, One day I will be able to transition into a full split. Yoga is a journey though... 

The only way to really experience these benefits is to attend a yoga class. 

Every Month, a playlist will be released on Apple Music and Spotify.

This month's playlist titled " Yoga Practice Of... Trying New Things " is a compilation of all the music that I really liked mostly from Sam Robert's class and Tannah's class. If you haven't really been to yoga, its also great music for stretching and cooling down. Listen to my playlist on Apple Music and Spotify, don't forget to add me on these platforms to not miss our future playlists. 


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