Thursday, April 05, 2018
A few weeks ago, The Running Exchage invited all the crews in Johannesburg to Bridge The Gap on their streets. They normally Run Ruthless and wanted to share some of their ruthlessness with us. Being a stan for Braamfie Runners, there was no way I was going to miss this.
The Running Exchange was there, East Run Cru was there, Thesis Run Cru was there and obviously Braamfie Runners was there. Basically it was just crew runners from all over Johannesburg, it was lit. In fact it was a lituation that saw us depart from Sebokeng at nearly 17:00 and we had been there since 6:40.
Sebokeng, is a township 68km south of Johannesburg. Even though I hm form a township I had never visited this one. So it was nice to be in a new place to feel the atmosphere of somewhere different. I could tell you about the run and the vibes. However, I didn't run this time but I took pictures.
S/O to the The Running Exchnage for hosting us. Looking forward to the next BTG Weekend. Just join a crew & experience the BTG Vibes.
For More Pictures from the weekend, click on this link