Wednesday, November 01, 2017
I started running in July 2016, a few
months after moving to Joburg.
did you start running?
When I was still living in Cape Town I
reconnected with my high school friend through Instagram. I noticed that she
was an avid runner, with lots of accomplishments. She also had this aura of
happiness around her when running; it was so contagious I wanted in. Also, I
was grossly out of shape, having been inactive for months. I needed to shed
weight as well.
did you start running?
For three reasons, I wanted to lose weight,
I needed a hobby as I was new in the city and I also wanted in on the happiness
runners seemed to have.
do you find to be most rewarding about running?
That feeling of accomplishment after the
race. Knowing that you faced hardship and managed to see it through, that
feeling when you reach the finish line and holding that medal at the end.
do you think is the biggest misconception about runners in general?
I think non-runners in general think
runners are suckers for punishment who have lots of time in their hands. This
is far from truth, I think runners are realists; they know and acknowledge that
running isn’t easy, they put effort in training knowing they will reap the
benefits in the end. These benefits, contrary to popular belief, aren’t
restricted to weight loss only, but to general well- being, body, mind and
soul. Running for me is spiritual too, I get to reflect on my life, I meditate
and reconnect with my Maker and every
time I get to the top of a nasty hill I reassure myself that I can conquer
whatever challenge I face in life.
have you trained for Soweto Marathon?
I have done a few long runs over the past
couple of weeks, a few half marathons as well as mid-week runs
is your message to fellow Soweto Marathon Runners?
You’ve put in the effort, now go out there
and have fun! Don’t forget to take lots of pictures!
can people follow you on social media?
I’m on Instagram. Search for