Vicente Lumbreras
Thursday, March 09, 2017
On who you are…
My name is Vicente Lumbreras (@vicentedarunner on Instagram), and I am a postdoctoral scientist living in Chicago. I am originally from Spain, and have lived in the US for almost 7 years between Chicago and Miami. During the week, I spend the day at the lab studying the electrical and mechanical properties of vestibular hair cells, which are the balance sensors of the inner ear. During the weekend, I like to run, catch up with friends, explore the city, sing, and dance.
On running…
I started running for PE class back at home in Madrid. I ran on and off during college, and went back seriously to it during grad school. My friend Micah got me hooked again with so many beautiful and fun runs in Miami. That is when I started really loving running, as it was about enjoyment, friendship, and discovery of beautiful sweet spots in the city. I began racing after I moved to Chicago for my postdoc two years ago. I do a long run at least once a week in the Chicago Lakefront, which is a beautiful 18.5 mile path for walking, running, and biking with astonishing views of Lake Michigan. It’s a great place to enjoy nature and outdoor activities. I love running with friends, so kudos to Sara and Albert for the great times along the lakeshore together. These days I also do HIIT running on the treadmill so as to speed up my pace (currently I can hold a 8.33 min/mile in a marathon, and would like to bring it down to 8 min/mile). Running is one my passions, and keeps me healthy, very happy, and connected to their people.
On Street culture…
I love Chicago. I am so Miami though. I should say I am happy to be an adopted Chicagoan now. It’s such a great place and the people are simply amazing. You can meet folks from all over the world, taste every possible cuisine, and get to know many different cultures. Chicago is really famous for it’s beautiful architecture, but also for the warmth of its people. Get ready for some old Chicago Blues and falling in love with Lake Michigan. Miami is the door to Latin America and the Caribbean, and home to my family in the US. You can hear the whole array of accents of the Spanish-speaking world in this city. Get ready for some salsa and merengue in Calle 8 and to live together with the wildlife that is your neighbor in the city.
Running culture...
There is a strong running culture in the city of Chicago. The Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle in april marks the start of the outdoor running season. Chicago runners come back to the lakeshore for fun and start training. It’s so great to run Chicago in the spring, summer, and fall. There are many running groups, so you can always join one and get motivated by fellow runners. The winter is pretty tough in the Windy City, so most people run on the treadmill, but you can still see those intrepid ones who don’t mind al all running in the snow and the freezing weather.
Miami’s running culture has gained a lot of momentum in recent years thanks to many clubs motivating people to start running. Miami is indeed an incredible race for running. You can run around the growing urban skyline of the city, but at the same time you can just jump into the wildlife. My favorite spot is the Crandon Park Marina in Key Biscayne, where I have been able to see rays jumping out of the water, beautiful birds like sandhill cranes, and manatees. The biologist inside me rejoices running around this place, so thank you Micah for bringing me over here so many times. You have to be aware of the humid Miami heat, so you have to take additional precautions to prevent exhaustion and dehydration as temperatures can rise to 80-90 Fahrenheit very quickly in the morning.
On gadgets…
My ASICS shoes and my soles. They keep my knees safe from stepping impact. In a marathon you may step up to 33,000 times.
My Gu gels of chocolate peanut butter flavor with caffeine. I have at least 5 of them during a marathon to keep me from “hitting the wall”. I hit the wall in my first marathon, and the struggle couldn’t be more real if this happens.
My Garmin watch to keep track of my distance and pace. It is very helpful to balance your objectives and progress.
My iPhone and my music; running + music = trip to another dimension
On injury…
Tell me about it. Every runner has to take very good care of himself/herself. I have had runner’s knee, bad cramps, and what is called movie-goers knee. My best ally against injury is the foam roller and patience. You have to let your body recover and heal well if you notice any painful symptoms.
On achievements…
I have run so far a total of 18 races (4 marathons, 5 half marathons, one 15K, three 10Ks, one 8K, and two 5Ks). That means a total of 235.8 miles/379.5 kms in racing alone. This has involved a lot of dedication and training, but the results have been completely worth it: a complete body transformation, a collection of medals, many wonderful memories, lots of laughter, and great new friends.
On future goals…
I would like 2017 to be a year full of positive changes, for me and others. Therefore, I want to use racing this year to fundraise money for HIV/AIDS research and prevention and also to inspire people to make changes for a healthier lifestyle.
To make this happen, I have joined Team to End Aids (T2); all donations done on my webpage go to the AIDS Foundation of Chicago, which aims to help HIV+ individuals thrive and prevent new infections. An AIDS-free generation is possible.
I have many races coming up on 2017 for fundraising, and it is very exciting. I also hope to break my current marathon PR of 3:45.
On your social media…
- Please, follow me on instagram @vicentedarunner. That way you can get updates on my running, my fundraising experience, get to know cool places in Chicago and Miami, see nice people, food, etc. Also, please, visit my fundraising website to get to know more about T2, the AIDS Foundation of Chicago, and my motivations for this cause.
On Pink…
I love pink, wear pink (not on Wednesdays though), and think many times in pink. And P!nk the singer is amazing, just like fire.
Also, pink reminds me of my wonderful friend Shari, who is the strongest runner I know. She is an incredible fighter, a rockstar, and my greatest inspiration for running. Love you Shari, keep up running, you are incredible.
On Pain…
Starts around mile 21-22 in a marathon, but you have to run fierce and proud to celebrate at the finish line. Running can be physically painful some times, but at the same time it can bring you a lot of peace and satisfaction thanks to the chemistry of endorphin's. Running has been one of my best allies to go through stressful times, disappointments, and broken hearts. You just have to run through it.
When I die…
I hope all I can I say is that I had an incredible ride. I wanna go surrounded by loved ones, and thinking that I did something to make the world a better place for those I am leaving behind.