Thamsanqa Mazwi Dlamini

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Time flies by so quickly, you blink once and the year is already gone. Today is Wednesday and no this is not our #WCW but rather our runner of the week.

Tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do for a living?

I’m the eldest in a family of only 2 boys, I’m 32 years of age (33 in January) pursuing a career in the accounting/finance field in one of the leading financial services companies in Africa. 

How do you balance your exercise regime and your professional life?

I run in the morning only (3-4 times a week in summer and twice a week in winter only on weekends) since 99% of the races I do are at that time of the day. I also play 5-A-Side soccer on Wednesday and Thursday evenings which may sound hectic but it’s actually not. 

My professional life schedule is not too busy; studies & reading maybe because I have to fit all that during weekday mornings which means I have to wake up a bit early normally at 4 or 5 am (not in winter though). I study/read more during rest days. I go to gym once a week in the evening and a bit more often during the winter months to compensate for the less running. 

When and why did you start running?

In my last year of high school I did short sprints; 100 and 200meters races. I was never a fan of long distance running (I never even watched those races during the Olympics!) I started long distance running in May/June 2013 because for a long time I was looking for a soccer team to join and couldn’t find one and I was feeling so unfit then I started running since it was less admin for me. 

What motivates you to go out there, when you do not feel like it?

There’s nothing more refreshing like a cold beer after a good workout! LOL. One of the most important life changing decisions I’ve ever made was taken while I was running (#TrueStory). Running allows me to have my ‘me time’ to think things over and put them into perspective and it’s a very good way of relieving stress and tension so that really motivates me a lot. 

What is the longest distance you have ran?

21.1km’s (Half marathon)

What gives you the confidence to run in the streets?

Knowing that my legs can still carry me.

What do you think about the lack of exercise among the youth?

It’s sad actually especially when you look at the obesity rate among young people. We have to understand that in this day and age the youth have plenty of options to choose from during their spare time. It’s also worth mentioning that from my observation there’s a growing number of young people (especially women) that have taken up gym and/or running.

What was your best running experience?

It has to be my first half marathon in February 2015 during the Pick ‘N Pay Marathon. I was so excited and nervous at the same time, missed the 2 hour cut-off by a minute or two…

What was your worst running experience?

I’ve had too many of those due to muscle problems. I used to struggle with shin-plints a lot and recently in one of my morning jogs I had to stop after about 3km’s due to severe pain on my lower legs. 

How do you push through the pain?

No pain, no gain! That’s the motto I live by.

What advice can you give somebody who wants to start running?

Firstly, running being one of the least costly sport activities, buy proper running shoes (read: not training shoes) and you will never regret it! Lastly, it’s not how fast it’s far you run.

Which Social media sites are you on and how can one follow you?

Search and follow me;
Twitter: @Thamsanqa4u
Instagram: Thamsanqa4u

My best running shoes is …Brooks Ravenna 6

I love running because …I can do it alone

Injury is …part of the sport

My body is …in shape thanks to running!

My running playlist has …a lot of hip-hip (I’m a house music fanatic)

I hate running when …it is cold

Pain is …temporary

The road …is my sanctuary

Sweat is …a by-product of a good workout

In future, I would like to run …the 2 Oceans Marathon and the Frankfurt Marathon

Indie means …free and unchained!

I do not like runners who …wear inappropriate shoes


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